Welcome to the Circle

Connecting people to clinical trials

This is where medicine begins, all because of people like you.

If you want to change the future - even your own life for the better - you can by being in a clinical trial.

All the medications you and your family have ever taken exist because someone before you was in a clinical trial.

Circle Clinical exists to connect ALL communities to clinical trials - especially historically underrepresented groups.

When a group isn’t represented in clinical research, their health outcomes can be impacted.

What are the Benefits?

  • People who choose to be involved get early access to cutting-edge innovations, giving you additonal options to consider.

  • By choosing to be involved in a clinical trial, a donation to a local non-profit will be made and you’ll make a lasting difference for generations to come.

  • At each visit, we take the time to get to know you and answer your questions. Throughout the trial, you’ll have the support of a team dedicated to your research journey as well as your overall health and wellbeing.

  • Clinical trials are often offered at no cost for patients, and you may be compensated for your time and travel expenses.

Clinical Trials Explained

What is a clinical trial? Why participate? Who is involved? Why is it important for all communities to participate?

Find the answers below.

The Impact Clinical Trials Have on All of Us

The Clinical Research Team

General Clinical Research Overview

Why Diversity Matters in Clinical Trials

Making it easier for providers

We provide free clinical trial infrastructure and support to community physicians, private practices and clinics. We believe doctors and patients should both have the opportunity to participate in clinical research with as little burden as possible.